Linux Command To Create Link
Linux Commands
Last Updated:
15-11-2019 09:06:51 UTC
/* ............... START ............... */
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ln -s ~/ LinkName // Command will create a new link to file ~/
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ln -sf ~/ LinkName // -sf parameter is used to update the existing link.
ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ls -lrt LinkName // ls -lrt will give the details of link (Link location)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu ubuntu 20 Nov 15 00:58 LinkName -> /home/ubuntu/
/* ............... END ............... */
Command used to make symbolic link in Linux is "ln".
- Syntax : ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME
- Linux command to create a new link : ln -s filelocation linkName
- ln is link command, -s is parameter to create new link, filelocation mentions the file location and linkName is the name of the symbolic link.
- Commmand to update the existing link in Linux using command line : ln -sf filelocation linkName
- To update the existing link you have to use -sf, it will update the link with the new filelocation.
- ls -lrt linkName will give the details of the link and location to which it is linking. (LinkName -> /home/ubuntu/Downloads/
- For more information you can refer the program section and output for more clarification regarding this.